International Standard for Artificial Intelligence

Companies using or developing AI should know that, on May 21, 2019, the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) Council adopted The Recommendation on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The Recommendation on AI is an intergovernmental standard aiming to foster innovation and trust in AI, while ensuring respect for human rights and democratic values. The Recommendation complements existing OECD standards in areas such as privacy, digital security risk management, and responsible business conduct. The Recommendation sets a standard that is flexible to withstand rapidly evolving technology.

Even though The Recommendation on AI is not binding law, The Recommendation is likely to become the AI industry’s standard. Companies involved with AI, but chose to ignore the standards might be thought of as “below standard” – not a great place for a company looking to earn trust and business. In some circumstances, a company that operates “below standard” might be subjecting itself to liability under theories of negligence. Thus, for companies developing AI, it would be wise to have your attorneys and developers work together on this one.